Touring Italy Set

Touring Italy Set

SGD 240.00

This set includes 6 x 500ml bottles of exceptional EVOOs from around Italy. Coming from very different terroirs, the oils have distinct profiles that you can try to match with a variety of foods.

The Touring Italy set includes (see details below):

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Olive oils from the hot South (Campania, Calabria, Apulia, Sicily) are packed with aromas, taste and antioxydants while from central and Northern Italy (Liguria and Umbria) are more fluid and herbaceous.

  • A vibrant and fragrant oil, which captures all the flavours of the woods of Cilento in the region of Campania. Medium green fruitiness with notes of green almonds, wild herbs and pine resin. The bitterness is delicate and the pungency sharp and spicy.
    Cultivar: Carpellese
    Harvest : October 2023
    Full oil profile
    Producer profile

  • This monocultivar Nocellara del Belice is a pure expression of the Mediterranean, with its distinct aromas of tomato, basil and mint. It has intense fruitiness and a pleasant bitterness that leaves a fresh impression.
    Cultivar: Nocellara del Belice
    Harvest: October 2023

    Producer profile

  • Ideally complements different seafood dishes, adding a distinct flavour reminiscent of a sunny afternoon. Medium to intense green fruitiness with clear notes of fresh cut grass. The bitterness is well-balanced and pepperiness is long-lasting.
    Cultivar: Coratina
    Harvest: October-November 2023
    Full oil profile
    Producer profile

  • A monocultivar Tonda Iblea with intense fruitiness and strong aromatic notes of green tomato and fresh almond. All the flavours of Sicily concentrated in an olive oil that has received awards and praise from Gambero Rosso, Slow Food and other guides.
    Cultivar: Tonda Iblea
    Harvest: September 2023
    Producer profile

  • Made with 100% Taggiasca olives harvested while green, S’ciappau is a delicate fruitiness oil balanced with slight bitterness and spice. It has predominant aromas of artichoke and almond accompanied by herbaceous notes. The oil is great with leafy green salads, and exquisite when dressing fish or white meat.
    Cultivar: Taggiasca
    Harvest: October 2023
    Producer profile

  • Elegant and fluid, Frantoio Batta’s blend is a versatile medium fruity EVOO that will be a perfect match on soups, pasta or pulses. It has strong vegetal notes, evocative of lettuce and almond with a powerful peppery finish.
    Cultivars: Frantoio, Dolce Agogia, Leccino, Moraiolo
    Harvest: October 2023
    Producer profile

Delivery and content

Set content: 6 x 500 ml.

Home delivery included islandwide with code FREESHIP.

Delivery scheduled in early 2024 (delivery date is dependent on end of harvest and will be communicated in early December 2023)

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