Marco Rizzo Gift Set

Marco Rizzo Gift Set

SGD 68.90

These olive oils are a true expression the Cilento nature reserve near Naples, its cliffside pine forests plunging into the Mediterranean and its singing waterfalls feeding fresh streams. Talismano, Impronta, Incipit: three exceptional monocultivars with three varieties that you will find only in Cilento or southern Campania.

Origin: Campania, Italy

Producer: Marco Rizzo

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Product details

Sensoriality: Medium green fruitiness with original and surprising aromatic universes - wild herbs and green almond for Talismano, green apple and ginger for Impronta, wild asparagus and forest fruits for Incipit.

Pairing suggestions:

Cultivars: Carpellese / Rotondella / Nostrale di Felitto

Harvest: October 2023 - Certified organic

Bottle size: 3 x 250 ml 

About the Producer

Note: as this is a very limited edition, the postcard is only available in French